Elder Law Lawyers in Western Canada

For seniors in Alberta, a little basic estate planning can bring peace of mind that your own independence and the needs of loved ones are protected for the future.
The provincial government recommends that all Alberta residents have some basic estate planning in place.
Many people leave this until later in life. In many ways, it is never too early to start, but it can be too late.
The estate planning and elder law services from Vest Estate Lawyers in Alberta are designed to protect your rights as well as the needs of loved ones in the years ahead.
Beyond estate planning: protection from elder abuse
As individuals age, they become more vulnerable to abuse. This can take many forms – from physical or sexual abuse to psychological and financial abuse.
Unfortunately, it is more common than we would want to imagine – and it even occurs within families.
At Vest Estate Lawyers, we do more than help families create the right documents for their futures. We are also accomplished at helping protect elders from abuse from their own family members or other individuals.
Elder Financial abuse
Elders are more susceptible to theft, fraud and financial scams, either face to face, over the phone, or online.
The removal of financial decision-making power from an elder while still competent is also a type of financial abuse sometimes committed within the family.
Psychological and emotional abuse
Psychological and emotional abuse of elders may occur in the following ways:
- Withholding affection (for manipulative purposes)
- Refusing access to grandchildren
- Denying privacy
- Controlling activities
- Treating elders like children
- Forcing elders to do degrading things
- Attacking self-esteem
- Intentionally causing fear or distress
Elder in need of legal assistance?
Whether you want to report elder abuse, protect yourself against it or simply start putting an estate plan together, the legal team at Vest Estate Lawyers in Alberta can help.
You will find us approachable, compassionate and insightful. We can explain what your legal options are, starting with a free, confidential one-on-one consultation.

Eric Lam
Eric C. Lam is a lawyer in the firm’s Edmonton office. Eric’s experience includes Employment Law matters, general Civil Litigation, Personal Injury, and Family Law matters. Additionally, Eric’s practice incorporates negotiation and alternative dispute resolution.