Sarah Levine
About Sarah Levine
Sarah Levine is a lawyer in the firm’s Edmonton office. She carries on a varied practice, focusing on all forms of estate planning and estate administration. Sarah regularly assists clients with finding an estate plan that suits their needs and reflects their wishes, providing them with peace of mind that their affairs are taken care of for them and their families.
In addition to assisting clients with their estate planning needs, Sarah regularly advises and represents clients with respect to navigating the complexities of applying to the courts for Grants of Probate and Grants of Administration, advising executors, administrators and beneficiaries on entitlement, accounting issues and executor conduct, as well as on testamentary capacity and undue influence issues.
Sarah appreciates how challenging estate planning and administration can be, and strives to bring her results-driven, cost-effective, and efficient approach to best serve her clients’ needs.
Prior to joining Vest Estate Lawyer’s, Sarah worked at a prominent regional law firm, carrying on a varied civil litigation practice which included an estate planning and estate litigation practice. She has extensive litigation and court experience, having successfully represented clients before all levels of court in Alberta, various regulatory tribunals, as well as in negotiations and alternate dispute resolution, providing her a unique and informed perspective on how best to advise clients on estate planning to avoid conflict in the future.
Outside the firm, Sarah teaches as a sessional lecturer at the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Law, having been nominated for the prestigious Pringle/Royal Teaching Excellence Award, and often writes about and presents to both clients and the legal community on relevant topics of interest.
Sarah looks forward to putting her legal and advocacy skills to work for you.